You’ve probably heard that summer reading is important, but you might be surprised to learn just how much of an impact it has.
Studies tell us that school-age children lose an average of one month of school learning over the summer, with some children losing up to three months of school learning. Why? The simple answer: they don’t read enough. Compared to the school year, in the summer months kids have limited access to books and a lack of positive reading experiences.
It’s easy to let reading slide with babies, toddlers and preschoolers over the summer too. Pack that beach bag with books, though, because little ones benefit from summer reading just as much as school age kids. Since reading ability is a strong predictor of overall academic success, reading books to children of all ages over the summer has long-term benefits.
Ready to commit to making reading a priority this summer?
Here are some simple, research-based steps you can take to keep reading part of your summer fun:
• Read at least 6 books. According to studies, reading 6 books or more over the summer can help children retain learning from the preceding year. Download our free Reading Log, which you can use even with young children, to set goals for reading.
• Build your home library. Have a diverse selection of books on hand from which your children can choose — children are more engaged when they select the books they read!
• Bring the books to life. “Unpack” the books through discussion and activities. A simple way to start is by downloading our free Kids’ Book Report Template. Even young kids can get a lot out of this activity when you write their words for them.
For more free activities that encourage summer reading, check out our Learning Hub!